For those who would like to learn Italian in the company of other international students. You can immediately initiate speaking without solely concentrating on the grammar.
For those who would like to learn Italian in the company of other international students. You can immediately initiate speaking without solely concentrating on the grammar.
The Italian Standard Course is the most popular among students, which is ideal for those wishing to study Italian and have free time to dedicate to tourism and extra curricular activities. Inside the classroom with the help of the teacher, students discover the overall functioning of the Italian language and study of the four language skills of speaking, reading, writing and listening.
Individual courses are extremely flexible. Designed for those who have little time available but precise objectives to reach, the course is completely structured around the needs of the student.
These Italian courses are designed for those who want a complete language experience, studying 4 lessons per day, focusing on the language analysis activities and the communicative tasks
These Italian courses are designed for those who, beyond the advantages of the Standard group course, want to have an extra individual hour (one-to-one) especially devoted to their individual language needs
These Italian courses are designed for those who want to study only 2 lessons per day, focusing on the language analysis activities or the communicative tasks
(Standard course plus one or two hours a day of individual lessons:
25 hours a week (20 group lessons hours + 5 individual lessons)
This is ideal if you want to stay in Italy for only one or two weeks or if you need to obtain a good result in a short time.
In our regular intensive Italian language courses you will improve your Italian language skills thank to professional communicative methods of learning and well motivated and qualified teachers. The lessons are held in the classroom daily, from Monday to Wednesday.
*Prices are subject to change without notice due to exchange rates.
Which course type is right for me?
Intensive Study: For adults who want to learn a language as quickly as possible for academic or professional reasons.
Test Preparation: For students who want to prepare for language proficiency tests.
Business: For business executives who want to study a language to be able to do business.
Junior: For children ages 8 to 12 and teenagers ages 13 to 18 who want to study a language in the summer.
How long should I study?
The minimum duration for a language course is usually two weeks, but students benefit the most starting from the 3rd and 4th weeks of their language course, after they get used to the new environment. By this time, the early distractions are over and the student has "settled in". The average student takes about 12 weeks of language studies abroad.