Choose from 6 part-time French courses in Sainte-Anne
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Part-time French courses in Sainte-Anne are for students of all ages who want to study French part-time to leave plenty of time for work or sightseeing.
This course gives you the opportunity to improve your written and oral skills. The French you learn is standard and for daily use, allowing you to live in a French-speaking environment.
You will plan the 10 hours as you wish (2 or 3 or 4 hours a day, in the morning, or in the afternoon, at school or at home). Courses are adapted to the level and age of each student, and the teacher proposes varied and personalised activities that suit to each one.
(5 x 1 hour) : We give Tango Nuevo classes to help you improve your French while having fun. Ganchos, boleos, sacadas, volcadas and colgadas will no longer be a a mystery for you.
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