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One-to-one business Spanish lessons in San Pedro are for business executives and professionals who want to learn Spanish as quickly as possible with customized lessons and a private Spanish teacher.
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Best match: Academia Tica Spanish School

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Academia Tica Spanish School
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 20
Age range: 10 years old and older
starting at
479 €
Best match: Maximo Nivel - San Jose

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Maximo Nivel - San Jose
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 10
Age range: 16 years old and older
starting at
374 €
Best match: Maximo Nivel - San Jose

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Maximo Nivel - San Jose
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 5
Age range: 17 years old and older
starting at
187 €
Best match: Maximo Nivel - San Jose

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Maximo Nivel - San Jose
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 15
Age range: 16 years old and older
starting at
561 €
Best match: Maximo Nivel - San Jose

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Maximo Nivel - San Jose
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 20
Age range: 16 years old and older
starting at
647 €
Best match: Academia Tica Spanish School

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Academia Tica Spanish School
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 10
Age range: 10 years old and older
starting at
249 €
Best match: Academia Tica Spanish School

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Academia Tica Spanish School
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 30
Age range: 10 years old and older
starting at
719 €
Best match: Personalized Spanish Language School

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Personalized Spanish Language School
Duration: 1 - 12 weeks
Classes per week: 20
Age range: 13 - 90 years old
starting at
756 €
Best match: Personalized Spanish Language School

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Personalized Spanish Language School
Duration: 1 week
Classes per week: 8
Age range: 20 - 90 years old
starting at
681 €
Best match: Intensa Language Institute

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Intensa Language Institute
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 30
Age range: 7 years old and older
starting at
642 €
Best match: Intensa Language Institute

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Intensa Language Institute
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 25
Age range: 7 years old and older
starting at
546 €
Best match: Learn Spanish & Live in Your Teacher's Home in San Jose with Home Language International

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Learn Spanish & Live in Your Teacher's Home in San Jose with Home Language International
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 25
Age range: 18 years old and older
starting at
1.677 €
Best match: Learn Spanish & Live in Your Teacher's Home in San Jose with Home Language International

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Learn Spanish & Live in Your Teacher's Home in San Jose with Home Language International
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 20
Age range: 18 years old and older
starting at
1.466 €
Best match: Learn Spanish & Live in Your Teacher's Home in San Jose with Home Language International

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Learn Spanish & Live in Your Teacher's Home in San Jose with Home Language International
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 30
Age range: 18 years old and older
starting at
1.888 €
Best match: Learn Spanish & Live in Your Teacher's Home in San Jose with Home Language International

San Jose, Costa Rica

3 km away

Learn Spanish & Live in Your Teacher's Home in San Jose with Home Language International
Duration: 1 - 52 weeks
Classes per week: 15
Age range: 18 years old and older
starting at
1.255 €

*Prices are subject to change without notice due to exchange rates.