Choose from 222 part-time Spanish courses in Cataluña
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Part-time Spanish courses in Cataluña are for students of all ages who want to study Spanish part-time to leave plenty of time for work or sightseeing.
We offer 1:1 hourly packages with flexible schedules and personalized teaching.
The packages start at 5 hours of personal teaching but once finished you can take another package if you want to continue with your classes.
The One to One 10 program is 10 hours of private lessons each week (2 hours per day). Lessons are held in the afternoon in general, but occasionally there is availability in the morning.
The hour pack…….the flexibility you are looking for !
A totally customized individual programme, with all the flexibility of content, days and times that you need.
The One to One 20 program is 20 hours of private lessons each week, a full 4 hours per day. Lessons are held in the afternoons between 2:30pm and 6:30pm in general, but occasionally there is availability for alternative schedules.
The group course of 20 lessons is our most popular course where students will spend 4 hours per day in a group learning Spanish grammar and communication skills. This allows for maximum exposure to the language while still allowing for the other half of the day for activities and exploring the city.
Our Evening Spanish courses are great for travels and those who are working in the city who would like to improve their Spanish and would like less hours of study per week. Classes are held either on Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7 pm to 9 pm.
This Course is combination of 20 Intensive group Course plus 5 house per week in private classes (1:1) where teacher will focus on your personal interest or needs.
The course is for students who want to maximize their language learning practice during their stay. The courses focus heavily on speaking and communication skills: the morning consists of 2 lessons in communication skills and special topics.
Intensive Course (20h I week) I General Spanish Course that combines grammar, vocabulary, conversation and written comprehension. Includes the Conversation module I from 100€ per week
The course is for students who want to maximize their language learning practice during their stay. Our native teacher has the Instituto Cervante certificate to teach Spanish to foreign people.
The combination course is a combination of group and individual lessons. Students will spend half their day (4 hours) in a group course and then have one Private One to One lesson in the afternoon.